It is with deep disappointment that I share an update on the immediate suspension of the current season and the cancellation of event.

This difficult decision was grounded in our commitment to put the health and safety of our community above all else. During this challenging time, we have been working closely with our program delivery partners (PDPs) and event organizers around the world to navigate and mitigate the risks to our community due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

AI-RoboRoll 2020

When: TBD 

Sporting Hill Elementary School
210 S Sporting Hill Rd, 
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050

Registration Fees: 
FLL Teams: 125 USD
Jr. FLL: 50 USD

About the Event

AI-RoboRoll is an off-season competition for FIRST Tech Challenge, FIRST LEGO League and FIRST LEGO League Jr. teams.

AI-RoboRoll is similar to an official Qualifier in many ways. Teams bring their robots and their Gracious Professionalism to compete in this years’ challenge following FIRST‘s challenge rules. What sets AI-RoboRoll apart is the way we do judging.

AI-RoboRoll aims to lift veil on judging. Teams will go into judging rooms in patheirs, giving them the opportunity to observe another team’s judge interview. After both teams have presented, the students and judges have a few minutes to ask each other questions and to offer each other feedback. It’s a great learning experience for all and provides teams with inside knowledge that benefits them as they prepare to present at an official qualifier next season.

Powered by: STEM Campers of Mechanicsbirg